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The Finnish Osprey Foundation, founded in 1990, is an organization concentrating on the conservation and research of osprey. The Foundation's activities are based on voluntary work and donations received from various sources.
The Foundation is domiciled in Hämeenlinna and operates in the whole country.
The Foundation provides financial support to conservation and research of ospreys, and these tasks relating to interest activities.
Osprey Foundation maintains Pohtiolampi Osprey Center, located in Kangasala, close to the city of Tampere. It is world famous place where people can see how the osprey fishes.
Pohtiolampi Osprey Center welcomes all visitors to watch ospreys' impressive preying of rainbow trout. Ospreys can be observed from a public bird-watching tower. You have also the opportunity to photograph the preying taking place at the ospreys' fish catching pond just some 40 meters away from the public tower.
Photographing the ospreys can take place also in the bird hides around the fish catching pond and in the High Tower, close to the public tower.
Pohtiolampi offers you a stimulating environment for holding various kinds of training, business or family-related events. Our restaurant building has approximately 75 seats. In addition, in the courtyard of the restaurant lies the oldest public spot for hooking salmon trouts in Finland.
Osprey Center in Facebook
Osprey Foundation
The Finnish Osprey Foundation, founded in 1990, is an organization concentrating on the conservation and research of osprey. The Foundation's activities are based on voluntary work and donations received from various sources.
The Foundation is domiciled in Hämeenlinna and operates in the whole country.
The Foundation provides financial support to conservation and research of ospreys, and these tasks relating to interest activities.
Osprey Foundation maintains Pohtiolampi Osprey Center, located in Kangasala, close to the city of Tampere. It is world famous place where people can see how the osprey fishes.
Pohtiolampi Osprey Center
Pohtiolampi Osprey Center welcomes all visitors to watch ospreys' impressive preying of rainbow trout. Ospreys can be observed from a public bird-watching tower. You have also the opportunity to photograph the preying taking place at the ospreys' fish catching pond just some 40 meters away from the public tower.
Photographing the ospreys can take place also in the bird hides around the fish catching pond and in the High Tower, close to the public tower.
Pohtiolampi offers you a stimulating environment for holding various kinds of training, business or family-related events. Our restaurant building has approximately 75 seats. In addition, in the courtyard of the restaurant lies the oldest public spot for hooking salmon trouts in Finland.
Osprey Center in Facebook