Instructions for Photography spots and accommodation renters

1. Available hides (1 - 6) and the number of photographers in hides at the same time

There are altogether six (6) bird hides for rent at Pohtiolampi. All hides are always rented to one photographer at a time. The photographer may, however, be accompanied by 1-3 fellow photographers.

The maximum size of the group of photographers in the hides is four (4) people. This is order to minimize the disturbance to the ospreys. An exception can be made only in the case of a visitor group, such as a photography association or society. In that case, the arrangements must always be negotiated beforehand with the representatives of the Pohtiolampi Osprey Center. However, it is advisable that the reserver takes at least 1-2 photographer friends with him/her. In this way the "rest and guard shifts" can be arranged in an appropriate manner.

2. Rental prices for photographers at Bird Hides, High Tower, Public Tower and Accommodation in 2017

2.1 Rental Prices for Bird Hides (1-6)

  • Amateur photographers      7.4. - 15.6.2017:  35 € / hide day,
  • Amateur photographers      16.6. - 31.7.2017:  70 € / hide day,
  • Amateur photographers       1.8. - 17.9.2017: 140 € / hide day,
  • Professional photographers 7.4. -17.9.2017: 140 € / hide day,
If there are several photographers in the group, the fee will be charged from all group members.
See: Instructions for Bird Hide photographers

2.2 Rental prices for High Tower

  • Amateur photographers      7.4. - 15.6.2017:  20 € / hide day,
  • Amateur photographers      16.6. - 31.7.2017:  35 € / hide day,
  • Amateur photographers        1.8. - 17.9.2017   70 € / hide day,
  • Professional photographers 7.4. - 17.9.2017:  70 € / hide day,
If there are several photographers in the group, the fee will be charged from all group members.
See: Instructions for High Tower photographers

2.3 Rental Prices for photography in the public tower

  • Amateur photographers      7.4. - 15.6.2017: 10 € / spot / day,
  • Amateur photographers      16.6. - 31.7.2017: 10 € / spot / day,
  • Amateur photographers        1.8. - 17.9.2017: 10 € / spot / day,
  • Professional photographers 7.4. - 17.9.2017: 10 € / spot / day,
See Instructions for photographers at the public watchtower

2.4 Rental prices for Wetland Area Tower

  • Amateur photographers      7.4. - 15.6.2017:  30 € / hide day,
  • Amateur photographers      16.6. - 31.7.2017:  30 € / hide day,
  • Amateur photographers        1.8. - 17.9.2017   30 € / hide day,
  • Professional photographers 7.4. - 17.9.2017:  30 € / hide day,
If there are several photographers in the group, the fee will be charged from all group members.
See: Instructions for Wetland Area Tower photographers

2.5 Prices for Accommodation

  • Price is 70 € / person / day ( = same as hide day) if only one person/apartment
  • Price is 50 € / person / day ( = same as hide day) if two people/apartment
See: Instructions for Accommodation users

4. Hide day (Bird hides and High Tower)

Hide day starts on arrival at 17:30 and ends on the departure date at 17:00.

The keys for bird hides must be picked up before 17:30 on the evening of the arrival day, even if one does not plan to go to the bird hides until the next morning. The keys must be returned before 17:00 on the departure day. Bird hides must be left in a tidy condition for the next photographer.

5. Trip arrangements, lodging

The Osprey Foundation is not a travel agency, and, furthermore, not a trip organizer. For that reason the photographer has to take care of the arrangements of his photography trip himself.

For photographers travelling from far distance there are two separate apartments with a bedroom (with twin beds), a small kitchenette, toilet and shower facilities. These apartments can thus accommodate a total of four (4) people. You can book a room by filling the internet booking form on the Reservations page. (Service = Accommodation, Target = Room 1 or Room 2). Osprey Foundation will forward your accommodation booking to Taigabird Ltd. For accommodation details, please send your inquiry to the tourist agency of the target (Taigabird Ltd): This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

6. Cancelling the trip to Pohtiolampi

If your photography trip is cancelled for some reason, please notify us at your earliest convenience by cancelling your reservation via booking system. There is a link in your booking confirmation to your original booking and you can cancel the booking from there. We kindly ask you to cancel your reservation at least 3 days before your planned arrival to Pohtiolampi. You can also cancel the reservation by calling tel. +358 400 499 395 (Osprey Foundation) or +358 40 528 3030 (Pohtiolampi Osprey Center).

7. Bird hide and accommodation keys, payment

You will receive the keys of the hides (and accommodation) in return to your signature from the Cafeteria of the Osprey Center (principally open in the summer season from 11:00 to 19:00.). The rental payment is also carried out when receiving the keys. After the photography session, the keys should be returned to the Osprey Center.