The Ospery Foundation
The Osprey Foundation was founded in 1990 by the regional ornithological society of Häme. The grounds for the foundation's work were built with the extensive project of protecting the provincial bird of Häme in 1986 – 1987. The early funds for the foundation were collected with the sales revenues of a self-published Osprey book.The foundation's domicile is the city of Hämeenlinna, but the activity area covers the whole of Finland.The following parties are represented on the board of the foundation:
The Osprey Foundation was founded in 1990 by the regional ornithological society of Häme. The grounds for the foundation’s work were built with the extensive project of protecting the provincial bird of Häme between the years 1986 – 1987. The early funds for the foundation were collected with the sales revenues of a self-published Osprey book. The foundation’s domicile is the city of Hämeenlinna, but the activity area covers the whole of Finland.
The following parties are represented on the board of the foundation:
The Regional Ornithological Society of Häme | 3 members |
A raptor researcher named by a Finnish university | 1 member |
BirdLife Finland | 1 member |
Zoological Section of the Finnish Museum of Natural History, | 1 member |
The Finnish Association for Nature Conservation | 1 member |
Experts on the economic life | 2 members |

The foundation does not have any personnel, only a board of representatives. For this reason, the foundation has to rely on the help of several societies and individual nature friends in extending the protective work to all parts of the country. Consequently, the success of the research and conservation projects is largely dependent on wide co-operation.
The wide provincial construction of artificial nests for ospreys is a good example of such work. It started in 2006.
The aim of the project is to conserve the 100 most significant osprey nests in Finland. Each of the nests is given a unique volunteer sponsor who, in return, receives exciting information about the history and present conditions of the chosen nest. So far, co-operative partners for the nest sponsor campaign have been Bayer Ltd, Boliden Harjavalta Ltd, K-Rauta Vaasa, Securitas Ltd and Tornator Ltd.
All volunteers may still participate in the campaign by contacting the Osprey Foundation. We would be happy to give you more information on your sponsoring opportunities.