Osprey conservation

Objectives of osprey protection

The protection and conservation of ospreys, and of other bird species as well, can be divided into two parts. Firstly, the Osprey Foundation aims to affect attitudes of Finnish citizens and decision-makers to a more osprey-friendly direction in every way possible. This work is executed via various writings, statements, radio and television shows, lectures, exhibitions, training events as well as one-to-one discussions. Simultaneously, practical operations are carried out in the field. The aim of practical work is to improve ospreys’ living conditions in Finland. A noticeable proportion of ospreys in our country are nesting on the artificial nest platforms by amateur ornithologists. 

The most important objectives of osprey conservation are

  • protection of the nesting trees
  • saving for the potential future nesting trees as retention trees during forest logging and improvement ditching of peat land 
  • replacing nests abandoned by ospreys due to human disturbance 
  • repairing fallen nests 
  • building new artificial nests 
  • influencing land use planning 
  • artificial feeding tests for ospreys

Co-operators in the Osprey Conservation Work

The Osprey Foundation co-operates with many partners. The most significant partners of the Osprey Foundation are various ornithological and environmental organizations and societies, forestry companies, fish farmers, environmental authorities, schools, electric companies and landowners.

One example of our co-operative projects is the nationwide nest sponsor campaign for which the Osprey Foundation has received support from various companies (see the Front Page for more information).

Other significant supporters of the foundation have been e.g. Vattenfall Ltd and Aina-Group Ltd, to mention a few.

Our Latest Co-Operation Agreement

The Osprey Foundation has signed an agreement with the global forestry company UPM. The company has practiced significant bird and nature conservation work in its forests as well as lead the way in encouraging other enterprises to practice their business in a nature-friendly, sustainable manner.

The agreement covers e.g. the following areas:

  • Sharing of information about osprey nesting sites 
  • Creation and upkeep of instructions for osprey nests
  • Co-operation in the communications relating to osprey tracking and conservation
  • Co-operation on UPM -sponsored nest projects
UPM is also a sponsor in the satellite tracking of osprey Pete’s migration. The Osprey Foundation conducts the tracking in co-operation with the Finnish Museum of Natural History. According to the agreement, UPM is also financing and sponsoring the nest camera project in the summer of 2008. The project allows Internet-visitors to observe osprey nesting and the birth and growth of newborn osprey chicks. 

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In smaller island having an osprey nest it is necessary to restrict the landing during the nesting period.